HBB updated to v0.2.5d

6 April 2009 (v0.2.5d)

  • Uses domain www.codemii.com to connect instead of an IP address

Another quick fix for the homebrew browser, this time my host is moving me to another server which means the codemii.com IP address will change. I recommend everyone update as once the codemii.com website has moved servers, if you have HBB v0.2.5c or below, it won’t work. (I know, I should have implemented this feature eariler)

Download HBB v0.2.5d or run HBB on your Wii to update.

12 Responses to “HBB updated to v0.2.5d”

  1. twee says:

    I tried to update from 0.2.5b and got an error saying that the boot.dol was not the expected size. It also said it was updating to 0.2.5c, not 0.2.5d.

  2. Taggerung says:

    When opening this article from Google Reader, (ironically) there was an ad for Homebreware:
    Unlock Nintendo Wii Now
    $29.00 Best Unlock Available Instant Access to 2000 Free Games
    http://www.homebrewar(inserted to prevent website from getting higher ranking)e.com/

    I don’t know if you can, but if possible you may want to remove these ads from the AdSense list.

  3. Alex says:


    Today I started HBB and asked me to update, but since I updated it doesn’t work anymore. It loads, but when it should enter into the “graphic menu” it doesn’t.

    • teknecal says:

      What happens when it doesn’t? Does it just return back to HBC?
      Does it just freeze? What text is displayed before it tries to go to the graphic mode? Also does the Wii opera internet browser work?

  4. noir says:

    Running HBB doesn’t prompt me to update at all. Any way to force it to checK?

    • teknecal says:

      That’s odd, what version of HBB do you have and can you see any of the recently added applications like Playstats v1.0?

      • noir says:

        I’ll have to double check the version tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure I updated it with the most recent update before this one. Also, when I looked the other day I did see Playstats in there. The HBB doesn’t just silently update, does it? I assume some interaction would be needed.

  5. Tantric says:

    teknecal, I’m still getting complaints about the locations HBB is downloading the emulators into. People are using both HBB and the emulator’s auto-update service, and ending up with two copies. The folders should be:

    Snes9x GX – Snes9xGX
    VBA GX – vbagx
    FCEU GX – fceugx

    Looks like Snes9x GX is OK, but the other two are downloading to different folders.

    Also people have commented about using the in-emulator updater, and then being confused about what HBB reports about the emulator.

    • teknecal says:

      Yeah, I’ll fix those up when I update Snes and VBA. Not sure where I got the vbawii folder, I think it might have been from the previous project owner. Snes GUI looks great!

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